458 research outputs found

    Parallelism of quantum computations from prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT)

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    This paper is devoted to such a fundamental problem of quantum computing as quantum parallelism. It is well known that quantum parallelism is the basis of the ability of quantum computer to perform in polynomial time computations performed by classical computers for exponential time. Therefore better understanding of quantum parallelism is important both for theoretical and applied research, cf. e.g. David Deutsch \cite{DD}. We present a realistic interpretation based on recently developed prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT). In the PCSFT-approach to QM quantum states (mixed as well as pure) are labels of special ensembles of classical fields. Thus e.g. a single (!) ``electron in the pure state'' ψ\psi can be identified with a special `` electron random field,'' say Φψ(ϕ).\Phi_\psi(\phi). Quantum computer operates with such random fields. By one computational step for e.g. a Boolean function f(x1,...,xn)f(x_1,...,x_n) the initial random field Φψ0(ϕ)\Phi_{\psi_0}(\phi) is transformed into the final random field Φψf(ϕ)\Phi_{\psi_f}(\phi) ``containing all values'' of f.f. This is the objective of quantum computer's ability to operate quickly with huge amounts of information -- in fact, with classical random fields

    Contextuality versus Incompatibility

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    Our aim is to compare the fundamental notions of quantum physics - contextuality vs. incompatibility. One has to distinguish two different notions of contextuality, {\it Bohr-contextuality} and {\it Bell-contextuality}. The latter is defined operationally via violation of noncontextuality (Bell type) inequalities. This sort of contextuality will be compared with incompatibility. It is easy to show that, for quantum observables, there is {\it no contextuality without incompatibility.} The natural question arises: What is contextuality without incompatibility? (What is "dry-residue"?) Generally this is the very complex question. We concentrated on contextuality for four quantum observables. We shown that in the CHSH-scenarios (for "natural quantum observables") {\it contextuality is reduced to incompatibility.} However, generally contextuality without incompatibility may have some physical content. We found a mathematical constraint extracting the contextuality component from incompatibility. However, the physical meaning of this constraint is not clear. In appendix 1, we briefly discuss another sort of contextuality based on the Bohr's complementarity principle which is treated as the {\it contextuality-incompatibility principle}. Bohr-contextuality plays the crucial role in quantum foundations. Incompatibility is, in fact, a consequence of Bohr-contextuality. Finally, we remark that outside of physics, e.g., in cognitive psychology and decision making Bell-contextuality cleaned of incompatibility can play the important role.Comment: discussion of 3-types of contextuality (introduction and appendix 1), discussion on Suppes-Zanotti and Boole inequalities vs. original Bell inequality for correlated observables (appendix 2

    EPR-Bohm experiment, interference of probabilities, imprecision of time

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    We demonstrate that the EPR-Bohm probabilities can be easily obtained in the classical (but contextual) probabilistic framework by using the formula of interference of probabilities. From this point of view the EPR-Bell experiment is just an experiment on interference of probabilities. We analyse the time structure of contextuality in the EPR-Bohm experiment. The conclusion is that quantum mechanics does not contradict to a local realistic model in which probabilities are calculated as averages over conditionings/measurements for pairs of instances of time t1<t2.t_1< t_2. If we restrict our consideration only to simultaneous measurements at the fixed instance of time tt we would get contradiction with Bell's theorem. One of implications of this fact might be the impossibility to define instances of {\it time with absolute precision} on the level of the contextual microscopic realistic model.Comment: We analyze time structure of conditioning in the EPR-Bohm experimen

    Comment on Hess-Philipp anti-Bell and Gill-Weihs-Zeilinger-Zukowski anti-Hess-Philipp arguments

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    We present comparative analysis of Gill-Weihs-Zeilinger-Zukowski arguments directed against Hess-Philipp anti-Bell arguments. In general we support Hess-Philipp viewpoint to the sequence of measurements in the EPR-Bohm experiments as stochastic time-like process. On the other hand, we support Gill-Weihs-Zeilinger-Zukowski arguments against the use of time-like correlations as the factor blocking the derivation of Bell-type inequalities. We presented our own time-analysis of measurements in the EPR-Bohm experiments based on the frequency approach to probability. Our analysis gives strong arguments in favour of local realism. Moreover, our frequency analysis supports the original EPR-idea that quantum mechnaics is not complete

    The Quantum-Like Brain Operating on Subcognitive and Cognitive Time Scales

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    We propose a {\it quantum-like} (QL) model of the functioning of the brain. It should be sharply distinguished from the reductionist {\it quantum} model. By the latter cognition is created by {\it physical quantum processes} in the brain. The crucial point of our modelling is that discovery of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics (QM) was in fact discovery of a very general formalism describing {\it consistent processing of incomplete information} about contexts (physical, mental, economic, social). The brain is an advanced device which developed the ability to create a QL representation of contexts. Therefore its functioning can also be described by the mathematical formalism of QM. The possibility of such a description has nothing to do with composing of the brain of quantum systems (photons, electrons, protons,...). Moreover, we shall propose a model in that the QL representation is based on conventional neurophysiological model of the functioning of the brain. The brain uses the QL rule (given by von Neumann trace formula) for calculation of {\it approximative averages} for mental functions, but the physical basis of mental functions is given by neural networks in the brain. The QL representation has a {\it temporal basis.} Any cognitive process is based on (at least) two time scales: subcognitive time scale (which is very fine) and cognitive time scale (which is essentially coarser)

    Probabilistic pathway representation of cognitive information

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    We present for mental processes the program of mathematical mapping which has been successfully realized for physical processes. We emphasize that our project is not about mathematical simulation of brain's functioning as a complex physical system, i.e., mapping of physical and chemical processes in the brain on mathematical spaces. The project is about mapping of purely mental processes on mathematical spaces. We present various arguments -- philosophic, mathematical, information, and neurophysiological -- in favor of the pp-adic model of mental space. pp-adic spaces have structures of hierarchic trees and in our model such a tree hierarchy is considered as an image of neuronal hierarchy. Hierarchic neural pathways are considered as fundamental units of information processing. As neural pathways can go through whole body, the mental space is produced by the whole neural system. Finally, we develop Probabilistic Neural Pathway Model in that Mental States are represented by probability distributions on mental space

    Randomness: quantum versus classical

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    Recent tremendous development of quantum information theory led to a number of quantum technological projects, e.g., quantum random generators. This development stimulates a new wave of interest in quantum foundations. One of the most intriguing problems of quantum foundations is elaboration of a consistent and commonly accepted interpretation of quantum state. Closely related problem is clarification of the notion of quantum randomness and its interrelation with classical randomness. In this short review we shall discuss basics of classical theory of randomness (which by itself is very complex and characterized by diversity of approaches) and compare it with irreducible quantum randomness. The second part of this review is devoted to the information interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM) in the spirit of Zeilinger and Brukner (and QBism of Fuchs et al.) and physics in general (e.g., Wheeler's "it from bit") as well as digital philosophy of Chaitin (with historical coupling to ideas of Leibnitz). Finally, we continue discussion on interrelation of quantum and classical randomness and information interpretation of QM.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1410.577

    Classical probabilistic realization of "Random Numbers Certified by Bell's Theorem"

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    We question the commonly accepted statement that random numbers certified by Bell's theorem carry some special sort of randomness, so to say, quantum randomness or intrinsic randomness. We show that such numbers can be easily generated by classical random generators

    CHSH inequality: Quantum probabilities as classical conditional probabilities

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    The celebrating theorem of A. Fine implies that the CHSH inequality is violated if and only if the joint probability distribution for the quadruples of observables involved the EPR-Bohm-Bell experiment does not exist, i.e., it is impossible to use the classical probabilistic model (Kolmogorov, 1933). In this note we demonstrate that, in spite of Fine's theorem, the results of observations in the EPR-Bohm-Bell experiment can be described in the classical probabilistic framework. However, the "quantum probabilities" have to be interpreted as conditional probabilities, where conditioning is with respect to fixed experimental settings. Our approach is based on the complete account of randomness involved in the experiment. The crucial point is that randomness of selections of experimental settings has to be taken into account. This approach can be applied to any complex experiment in which statistical data are collected for various (in general incompatible) experimental settings. Finally, we emphasize that our construction of the classical probability space for the EPR-Bohm-Bell experiment cannot be used to support the hidden variable approach to the quantum phenomena. The classical random parameter ω\omega involved in our considerations cannot be identified with the hidden variable λ\lambda which is used the Bell-type considerations.Comment: presented at the conference Quantum Theory: from Problems to Applications, Vaxjo, Sweden, June 2014, and during the course of lectures on inter-relation between classical and quantum randomness given at Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of Austrian Academy of Science, May 201

    Violation of the Bell's type inequalities as a local expression of incompatibility

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    By filtering out the philosophic component we can be said that the EPR-paper was directed against the straightforward interpretation of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle or more generally the Bohr's complementarity principle. The latter expresses contextuality of quantum measurements: dependence of measurement's output on the complete experimental arrangement. However, Bell restructured the EPR-argument against complementarity to justify nonlocal theories with hidden variables of the Bohmian mechanics' type. Then this Bell's kind of nonlocality - {\it subquantum nonlocality} - was lifted to the level of quantum theory - up to the terminology {\it "quantum nonlocality"}. The aim of this short note is to explain that Bell's test is simply a special {\it test of local incompatibility of quantum observables}, similar to interference experiments, e.g., the two-slit experiment
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